Anti-Discrimination Policy

First and foremost, hate speech or harassment of any kind is not tolerated, and we will ask anyone who uses discriminatory or hateful language to exit. This includes discrimination of racial identity, gender identity, age, skin color, national or ethnic origin, disability, religion, or sexual orientation. We aim to have a space where we can gather together to focus on making each other’s lives better through creativity and supportive connections.

Info for Double House Arts Collective Members

Missed Session Info
We hope you can make it to all of the sessions, but understand things come up!

Vacation: If you know in advance of a session date that you can not attend due to a vacation/obligation, please give us two weeks' notice before the date, and you will not be charged.

Illness: If you are sick, we ask that you kindly stay home for the health and safety of others. Please let us know the day before the session if possible, and we will not expect payment from you.

Questions? Please email us at Thanks!